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Throughout this semester I have gone through many changes in my life. It has been and up and down roller coaster for me. From the beginning of the semester until now I know I have completely changed as a person. Both spiritually and emotionally. When I look at my life today, I believe that it is just starting off. See for me I am ending college, ever since I was a little kid I thought that once you graduated college that you would get married have kids and die. Well now my thinking is that everything I went through from a little kid up until now is like and on ramp preparing for the rest of my life. A lot of my recent thinking is because of the Peru trip and what happened after it back here in the United States. When I first went down there, I was hoping that it would change my life. Little did I know how much it actually would change me as a person? There were many contributing factors that led to my spiritual change down there. Seeing the different types of people in Peru, and how poor they lived. How much they cherished what God gave them, for instance, living of the jungle in order to survive. The fact that they were always surrounded with death, because of the many illnesses that were there. All of these things basically just shocked me into the reality I am looking through now. It was not just the experiences down there that changed me, but what I experienced and had to deal with when I came back. It was a very scary time for me, not knowing if my friends and family would accept me for who I turned into. Plus the reality of going out into the real world did not set well with me either. Overall, it took a few months for me to process this information and I am still doing this today. But through all the heartache that I went through, I would not change anything at all. For I know this, that God is walking besides me guiding me into the future and my spiritual journey. And that is the best feeling of all!
For me since i am an artist, or at least i like to think so, copy righting is very important to me. I believe it is sometimes good to have such of a block on your work so that nobody else will use it. However, this can be bad sometimes because it makes you have someone else have a monopoly on the work or invention. This enables them to hike up the prices and never let anyone ever touch or invent that same object. I believe that copyrighting can defintily hinder someone sometimes. There are definitly good points and bad points when it comes to Anti-copyright. However sometimes the use of anti copyright can hurt a writer or an aritist, because they may only sell a few works so in a sense it is pointless to copyright it. This enables companies such as publishers to not worry about pirating books. So in sense, it is really up to the individual and how popular they are and decide whether it is bennifical to protect their work or not
For some reason it has been a bit difficult to get in the mood of doing work. But i know that this is the week to get everything together so i know that i have to get working on it. I hope that everything works out for this project and i can not wait for it to be shown. Hopefully i can use it in a portfoloio review in the future.
Today was a pretty intersting, day not much happened, but I got a lot done. I am so excited to finish up my project on my spiritual journey. For the last part of my project i am going to be using all my pictures from Peru. But for the audio part i am going to be taping my mom and i and i am going to be using the audio. This i think will let the audience relate to me, like they did in the first part of my project. I may even use some bits and pieces of video and include them in the last part of my project. Maybe tight shots of my ands or me trying to explain it. I am so excited about this new idea and can't wait to finsh it.
For me understanding religion was always a difficult thing to do. For instance, being baptized at a very young age, all I have from that was fuzzy memories. As I grew up I went to church with my parents, but yet again had a hard time dealing with my religion. because I was so small. I never was able to see what was happening at church, so it made me bored and rambunctious Seeing the back of someone’s pants for an hour did not help either. The more I grew up the more questions I asked, and the further away I strayed from religion. Going to Salpointe was a major contributor to this. For some time of my life, I seemed lossed, no where to go, not knowing where I was or which road to travel on. However, that all seemed to change, when certain pieces of my life fell together when I went to Peru on a mission trip. This trip not only changed me emotionally, but spiritually. It was a culture shock at first, seeing military men with guns, and poverty right out of the airport. It was so much to take in, it was like an overload of my senses. But the more I let in, and the more I felt, the closer I seemed to be seeing gods work.
Since this whole week has been so awkard for me. I really took a look at my life and what surrounds me. I realized how close i felt like i came to death, and it really made me think about things, life, and of course god. What i tried to do while i was up here, was put some sort of closure together on it. The way i did this was, by putting my pictures together from Peru. When i finally did it, i finally understood in a small way, what i wanted to do for my final. I really don't care what kind of my grade i get in this class, i just want to incorporate my experience while i was down there. I have over 70 pictures i put together, and i have video to incorporate more of this feeling. I know i am taking a risk by not using my pictures from my midterm. But i feel so stongley in doing this, and i want to express what i saw and the feeling i felt. So hopefully i get this in time, and Sama if u read this i hope that u will except the way i think, and hopefull help me out. Life is ever so changin and i know i sure am