My thoughts

Monday, April 30, 2007

The financial advantages of Anti Copyright

For me since i am an artist, or at least i like to think so, copy righting is very important to me. I believe it is sometimes good to have such of a block on your work so that nobody else will use it. However, this can be bad sometimes because it makes you have someone else have a monopoly on the work or invention. This enables them to hike up the prices and never let anyone ever touch or invent that same object. I believe that copyrighting can defintily hinder someone sometimes. There are definitly good points and bad points when it comes to Anti-copyright. However sometimes the use of anti copyright can hurt a writer or an aritist, because they may only sell a few works so in a sense it is pointless to copyright it. This enables companies such as publishers to not worry about pirating books. So in sense, it is really up to the individual and how popular they are and decide whether it is bennifical to protect their work or not


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