My thoughts

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Monday 1/28/07 Video

I thought that the video I watched on monday was really cool. The movement in the video was out of this world. I would like to something like that in my program, however i know that would be very hard but it would be cool to incorporate it in my work. Also the music that corrolated with the piece kept my interest. Especially the movement from one photo to the next

Monday, January 29, 2007

Thoughts on Final

I really wonder what my project is going to be about. However I know that my project is going to be about religion, i just do not know what part of it. I can go off of many tangents. Like the different religions out there, and who is right and wrong. I can see if i can go off of my struggle with religion from a a little kid to adult hood and now. I can think of science and religion, how some people need proof that their is something out there. But i believe To make it more about me, i believe i am going to somehow portray my thoughts and ideas, and struggles with religion.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Students Video

I finally realized what type of media time based media is going to be about. I really thought that this piece was really interesting. I do not know how long this piece took to make it, but it would be really cool if the piece was a lot longer. However, it really did dive into something personal. I hope that in my media i have cool pictures with some sound. I already think I have some hardcore sound to go with my ideas as well. All that i hope is that we are taught this stuff before our midterm. lol

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Brents Video

When i first watched this video, it seemed very weird and unusual. I definalty did enjoy how the use of words was configured into the film, and how it flashed really quick from one screen to the other. Also,the way that the words were used was cool, the way she showed empasis in some words here and their played it well. However, it could of been cool to, to see some sort of acting seen or visualization with it. Go into charecter with this voice mail, and portray it in a certain way that would match the situation at the time. Or to make it funny in some sort of way. But that is my take on it!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sos video and other one

Wow what can i say, the first video I watched was very hard for me to read and understand. At first I was trying to figure out what it was about. The more i watched it the more i got confused. However what i did get out of it was how, it seemed to be about mainstream society and how the use of technology and the internet consumes us every day. It shows us that no matter what we do to protect ourselves it will somehow link us to our brain and drive us and dorrect us. For instance, if we did not have the internet or this type of media, i would not be in a class like this or writing on a blog. However, i do believe that not all media is bad, especially the internet. But like in all good things moderation is the key.
The next video we watched was completley awesome. The use of designs and movememnt really caputured me. However, after starring at it for a long time, it can get a bit sickening. Maybe because of it's size. The music that went with it was kick ass, the way he changed the beats to the rythem of the designs was awesome.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

My thoughts on the essay

Just letting you know that I found it interesting about
> mechanical reproduction and regular production. I mean is
> photography an art, or is it not an art. I believe it to be just like
> some of the points he made in the article. Also, I do agree with some
> of the comments how, art itself stretches the mind more and makes you
> think. While when we are given movies to watch all they do is make a
> false reality and force feeds us the story. Kind of like some news
> channels, some channels make up their own summations about wars and
> politics, and force feed it to the public. This I believe unable us
> to think for ourselves. However, one thing I did disagree on was how
> that movies yes, at least today's are stupid moronic, and have no
> plot. But older movies like black and whites like the gold rush,
> Lawrence of Arabia, the King and I, Casa Blanca. Yes they are
> stories, but the difference for me is those stories overwhelm me and
> make me think about what is going on. It is rare for me to find
> movies of today that do that. But that's just a little piece of what
> I think.